Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Totally Random Wednesdays #4- Flawless-Celebrating the Normal Body

  * I just wanted to give a quick thanks to Faith and BW Living Well for linking me in their blogs. I really appreciate it! Do check them out if ya haven't already!


Bear, Hugs | Forward this Picture

Many of us suffer from body image issues. Ok, most of us. We look at magazines and television and we actually believe that the Photoshopped fake bodies on celebrities and models are representation of real or ideal physiques. Well, any woman who has ever had a weight problem, growth spurt or baby knows that these images are nothing but hog wash.

Yeah Rrriiiigghhhhhttttt.........
This TRW, my darlings, I want you to know the truth: that there is no such thing as a body flaw. Cellulite, stretch marks, pock marks, scars, flab and acne are ALL normal. Period. So many people say that there is no perfect body. Well I say that all bodies are perfect already.

Now, it is absolutely normal to want to improve your appearance. If you don't particularly like your scars or anything that makes you feel like it takes away from the image you think is best for you, it's ok to want to remove them or treat them and if doing say will aid your confidence then go for it! But, what I really want you all to understand is that, unlike obesity, all of the aforementioned "imperfections" are normal and natural occurrences in the human body and that the media has distorted our view of what a normal body is
She has cellulite and rolls.
 Many people would try to make you think that because you aren't photoshop perfect that you are not worthy of love, that men will be turned off by your scars or cellulite. Listen very carefully. Any man who would be so shallow as to let something as LAME as that stop him for praising your beauty and loving you like you deserve to be loved, is a special breed of loser, especially if you have had a baby. That is NOT the proper response to a vessel that has housed and sustained life and he should be singing your praises. Oh, and guess what? Guys are prone to the same body issues as we are!

Do not believe the lies. A woman's body goes through many changes throughout her life and all of those little scars and marks tell your story. Remember that: your body is a canvas on which life, fate and experience tells it's tale. Celebrate it and never be ashamed of YOUR unique story. 

Still think celebs have "perfect" bodies?
You are beautiful and already perfect. Flawless and completely whole. I seriously recommend being careful of the magazines and shows that you watch, especially if you have daughters. They must understand that the changes and development of their bodies is normal. They must understand that they are their own beauty standard and whatever adds value to their life they must accept and any lies and misrepresentation must be weeded out and tossed in the gutter they came out of. 

You are already good enough. You are already worthy. You are already FLAWLESS!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Shrink Shaming- It's just as bad as Fat Shaming

 So, I came in kinda late on one of the big deals going on in the blogesphere (curse you, midterms!) but as it is a subject close to me, I just gotta "weigh in". ROTFLMBO! I purposely stayed away from some bloggers posts on the subject as I didn't want to get into it with anyone but I just HAVE to say this.

I have been overweight for most of my life and it is just now that I am beginning to get serious about losing it. Growing up was the worst and most painful time in my life. The kids actually thought that my name was "Big Girl" or "Miss Piggy" and the scars on my self-esteem took years to fully heal. I have never been proud to be fat. I don't see what there is to be proud about. My lack of pride in carrying around extra useless pounds is not rooted in a lack of a positive self-concept or a vain desire to meet a ridiculous beauty standard. It stems from the fact that obesity is unnatural and unhealthy and has hampered me from doing many of the things that I desire to do. And if noting else, it just never felt right.

My problem with articles such as the one Kaiser did on BW and their image and self-esteem does not stem from a disdain for fat BW (I am one, though I have been dropping pounds! :-D). My problem stems from the fact that they, along with other Fat Happy Black Women proponents, seem to suggest that obesity is a valued part of Black Feminine Identity and is some sort of birthright, and what that might mean for young BW girls growing up could be just another downward spiral.

 Now, I will never condone hurtful, shaming language as I know what it's like to be the victim of it, but I will also never condone the idea that women or anyone else should just embrace fatness, haters be damned! Fatness is a problem. A health problem. It's something that will hamper your fulfilling a full and unhampered life. Here is a hard anti-relativistic, elitist truth for all of you living the post-modern dream: some choices are better than others. Choosing to embrace a lifestyle that will have your arteries clogged, joints weakened, blood pressure to the ceiling and sugar levels at ungodly highs is simply not smart-it's self-destructive.  How can we empower BW's if we don't call out ALL such auto-immune behaviors/mentalities and question them? If I can't say, "Yes, you are beautiful and I want to encourage you as pursue your education/get married/get that great promotion/work for the career of your dreams, but what good is that if you're committing suicide-by-fork all along the way?" then why are we blogging?

If a person wants to give the finger to the beauty establishment and embrace every inch of their body be it an extra inch or not, then I say go for it. But do not, do NOT attach the word "Black Woman" to it. Because then you are talking about all of us and I am not on the fat and happy bandwagon and fatness is NOT synonymous with my pride as a BW. What I can never understand is why do so many of these women and others view fatness a part of Black Womanhood. Do they not understand that by trying to avoid one standard, they are creating another and it's one that will have ramifications that all BW will pay. Look, no matter what side of the argument you are on, fatness is just a part of the human condition; no more, no less. It has no more to do with the intrinsic qualities of Black Feminine Identity then being skinny. While I have no desire to make these women feel poorly about their great self-esteem, what I do have a problem with is the promotion of the idea that, as a BW, I should be happy about it. That just because I want to shrink or dare to encourage other BW's to do so, then I should be the one shamed. WTH??!?! 

The term that I personally have coined to describe this is shrink shaming.

 I recognize that I am just as worthy of love as anybody else, but I also acknowledge that the person I choose to be with also deserves a partner that takes care of themselves and isn't loaded down with health problems associated with weight. I recognize that weight can compromise not only my health but any pregnancy that I may have and shorten my life, which could leave a potential husband and children behind. I recognize that while the treatment of fat people in the West is deplorable and that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as someone who has been overweight and has suffered physically, I can not in good and honest conscience do anything but encourage my sisters to maximize their health, happiness and longevity by shedding the excess weight.

If somebody had the guts to tell me when I was younger all the havoc that extra pounds does to your body, all the medical bills and mood swings, tears and complications from fat that I would have to endure, I would be closer to my goals by now. Now, I will be perfectly honest and say that I have never had a problem in the attraction department. I have never had a problem with men finding me attractive and on more than one occasion, they have by passed fit women who were in my presence at the time to speak to me. That being said, whether or not I can still attract a man is NOT the litmus test for if my fat is acceptable and should be normalized and embraced as a part of my identity. My overall quality of life is and when you can't walk up 3 flights of stairs without stopping or don't have the discipline to say no to certain foods, even if they make you sick and put you on medication, then this, for me, is not a high quality of life. This to me is mediocrity.

Therefore, I proudly say that I am NOT a fat and happy Black Woman. All of these pretty pounds I have carried around might very well mean more of me to love but they also mean more of me to lose- in more ways than one. I am losing this weight, I am making healthier choices in foods and activities and I have been more conscious than ever in my whole life of gaining discipline and maximizing happiness. I am not sad or depressed. I am not down in the dumps, and while I don't have a skewed body image, I also don't have a poor one. I am not in anyway ashamed of my body. I LOVE my body and that is why I am going to take care of it better from now on. :-)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Totally Random Wednesday #3- Midterms SUCK!

So the reason why I didn't get to post the fabulous post that I am still working on is because of MIDTERMS! I loathe them. Why is it that every single professor seems like they are oblivious to the fact that you have 3 or four other classes? I have one professor who kills a rainforest a day just to hand out articles on the material we are reading that nobody EVER reads. I'm talking 6-7 articles per week when we already have a book a week to read. Not only that, but she didn't even give a review for the test! The only thing she did was give us a vague idea of what she would ask on the test. Ok people. So help me god when I got that test there was absolutely NONE of the stuff on there that she said would be! I never missed multiple choice so much in my life!

Oh and let's not even talk about some of the lectures these people give. I mean, do I really need to know about when you were younger and how back in your day kids did 30 page papers on the power of subjective perception and existentialism in Virgina Woolfe's "To The Lighthose" without complaining? I'm sorry I thought this was the Modernists 101 not American History for Bored Dummies. And please do not tell me about what kids did in your day. I don't think it's fair that you brag about the fact that you were privileged enough to be born in the same era as these ancient writers and are therefore better able to understand the ancient drivel that none of us whippersnappers know how to use. That's all wet, daddy-o! (Modern translation="That's not cool!")

And I will never understand why some of these teachers actually think giving us the sodid details of their young adult sexual exploits makes them better able to connect with us. Ok, when you look like you're old enough to have changed Jesus's diapers, I don't want to know about your sex life. I would actually prefer to think you don't have one. I don't feel like our relationship has improved, I just feel violated and sick to my stomach. Telling me how a certain scene in a book reminded you of Jenny, a cute girl who lived on the farm next door to you in your glory days and how you met in the barn and proceeded to subject innocent barn animals to a horror show is not going to make me like these dry and wordy tomes anymore. It makes me want to call PETA and drop your class.

And so ends my mini-rant, Happy Belated Hump Day and good luck on your mid-terms!