Saturday, July 14, 2012

If Immitation is the best form of flattery....

....then I'd hate to see what the hell most people who imitate "black culture" would do if they hated us!

What I am I talking about? These very interesting members of a subculture in Britain known as "Chavs". Now I  don't even know how I came across this but I discovered this online, needless to say. Apparently they are low-income, crass, dependent upon government assistance and violent. Or at least that's the steryotype. Though the origin of the word is disputed, it is similar to what we in American know as "white trash". Now, I must be fair when I say that these are all STEREOTYPES of a particular class of people and I am not one for putting anybody in a box they don't want to be in.What I will also say is that their behavior is just a little to similar to ghetto blacks and I can not help but conclude that this is exactly what they are imitating. Some things they are non for include:

For women:

 For men:
 Check this out from eHow.

Now, there has been some criticism saying that this is just people making fun of hard working, working class whites in England and for those of you who don't know, classicism is England's racism. All I can say is, it's very disturbing. I am sure that not everyone is involved in crime and violence but I think it just goes to show haw destructive hip-hop influence is. If this is happening to kids in England, what do you think it means fro kids growing up in Detroit, St. Louis or Memphis? Please turn the shit off!

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