Saturday, June 23, 2012

So me and Jesus totally broke up!

One of the DUMBEST things anybody ever told me was that the followers of a religion should not be looked to as the best examples of how it should be practiced. To this day, I scratch my head at the crazy formulations people will come up with just to believe that they have "the truth".

I have been Christian my whole life. I got an incredible family and I feel lucky because they aren't hipoChristians. My hiatus from the Christian religion actually has less to do with Christians or even Jesus and more to do with the institution of the Christian faith and the BS they ask you to believe. It's complete bollocks. I have especially found it hard considering the state of the black Church which is even more bollocks than any other church, but I digress.

Actually, I have a problem with all three of the major Abrahamic religions. If you actually study the history of those religions, especially their holy books, you will see really, REALLY big problems. The problem with Christians however is that they are so convinced that they are the only ones who are right, that they they will ignore common sense to hang onto their myths.

 Now I'm all for believing what ever you want as long as you don't hurt anyone, but Christians suffer from MAJOR cognitive dissonance. They claim to have an all-loving all-knowing god who tortures people for all enternity in some lake of fire when he KNEW before he made them that this would happen. The thing that really gets me is that in order to save their gods reputation, they actually put the blame for the fall back on human beings even though god supposedly knew and knows everything. WTF?

Second, the vast majority of Christians DO NOT study church history or doctrinal development. How many know when the church started? The common ecumenical councils held in equal authority by both the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches and their significance to all Christians worldwide? Who Eusebius was and his significance to the Bible? The Filoque Clause? Who wrote the Bible and how it was compiled? The history of the Bible and why it's authority? What the hyperstatic union is? The Early Church Fathers and why they are important? The difference between Arminiansim and Calvinism? The additional verses that were added to the Bible and why they are important? The difference between the Protestant Reformation and the Radical Reformation? Whether or not the Bible is meant to be taken literally? And I could go one forever. Ultimately, you don't have to study to be a Christian. You simply have to be a sheep. 

Then there is the hell thing. Not only is it a sick and twisted torture chamber for a supposedly good's not even Christian. It's an idea that was grandfathered in from earlier pagan traditions. If one read the Old Testament the CORRECT way, every reference to hell is in actuality a reference to the grave. This is why in the Jewish religion to this day, there is no concept of hell. When Jesus talks of "hell" in the New Testament, not only does he use three different Greek words but he is speaking figuratively. I find it so funny that Christians take the scripture literally for anything he says about hell, but when he says "Turn the other cheek", that the divorced should remain unmarried or else they commit adultery and warns against accumulating riches in this life, it's all of a sudden symbolic. LOL! They will find all sorts of "scriptural" excuses to explain them away. And why can there NOT be a goddess. If I'm not mistaken, Genesis 1:27  says:

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."

Wouldn't it be blasphemous then to say that god is not BOTH male and female?

Now don't get me wrong. The message of Jesus is IMPECCABLE. I think he is a fantastic teacher and wonderful person to emulate. It's the CHURCH and all the bullshit myths they have spouted over the centuries that I have a problem with. Let's not even get into Christians virulent hatred of all other religions and religious people because they don't have "the truth". The Abrahamic are the ONLY religions that actively teach anti-religious hate. They will talk about how much they "love" when in reality, they have the utmost contempt for people who don't worship god the way they do. It is the only religion where you can be a bigot in the name of god and still convince yourself that you are a good person. The god of Abraham, Issac and Jacob has yet to prove that he is good, as far as I am concerned.

So, what religion does JaeJae practice now? Not one in particular really though I do favor African spirituality. I love learning about Chukwu, Chango, Yemaya and Oshun as much as I love Jesus (the person not the myth) and I also like Voodun as well as our own AFRICAN AMERICAN Hoodoo religion. But off course, blacks have been taught such religious self-hatred, thanks to Christianity, African religions, which are some of the richest, most peaceful religions on the planet, have been demonized. 

So, that's it for me and Jesus the super hero. I'll take the Jesus the regular guy any day, but at this point, I'm also open to other suitors.

This is Oshun. Isn't she lovely!